Ryders Treviso

Rather than the Trevisos having changeable lenses, Ryders have opted for photochromatic lenses. These become darker as the sunlight gets brighter and then, as if by magic, lighten up as the sky clouds over.
In all conditions, the lenses provide 100% UV protection. The system worked reasonably well, but in lower light conditions we’d still prefer the option of a light-enhancing lens. Also, there’s no way you could use the Trevisos for riding at night.
Fit is good, with the adjustable silicon rubber nose and arm tips allowing a totally non-slip and bounce-free set-up. Field of vision is also good with the top of the frame only just creeping in when down on the aerobars.
Photochromatic lenses are a great idea in theory, but just don’t offer the versatility needed in the real tri training/racing world.
Plus, for almost £50, we’d expect a soft case and a lens cloth thrown in at the very least.
Contact : www.ryderseyewear.com