MP Max One Energel Isotonic

As the name suggests, My Protein has traditionally fed the needs of power athletes. But the new MP Max One range offers some premixed solutions for us more endurance-inclined triathletes.
The Energel is the brand’s first appearance on these pages and it’s a fairly simple affair – not dissimilar from the texture of an SiS Go Gel – and consists of a large 70g serving mixed to an easy-to-swallow consistency. The Summer Berry on test here is an undoubtedly tasty flavour, not dissimilar to a diluted blackcurrant squash, with no noticeable synthetic undertones or gag-inducing properties.
Each sachet contains a hefty 36g of carbs and a host of electrolytes to help proper hydration. But, frustratingly, My Protein don’t list the sodium content of the gel, which is something that athletes – especially those racing long-distance – need to know to plan their nutrition strategy.
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