Spiuk Casta

Spiuk’s Casta sits at the lower end of the tri shoes market but, sadly, the term ‘bargain’ doesn’t apply.
In fact, with the major outsole component being shared with the cheaper dhb Tri Road (see review elsewhere on 220triathlon.com), we’re struggling to justify the difference.
This shoe also suffers from a poorly fitting upper that compounds an overall feel of too much flex in all riding scenarios. This inevitably results in foot fatigue in longer races and pressure spots that lead to detrimental performance in the run.
The tri-specific features are, however, well conceived. The double-sided Velcro strap aids confidence in achieving a quick donning and there are also multiple insoles to cater for different temperature conditions. The primary strap hasn’t been well executed, though; being located a tad too high and adding to the overall discomfort. Finally, the secondary strap to fine-tune the adjustment is largely redundant.
Contact : Spiuk 07815 731664 www.spiuk.co.uk