Huub Aphotic swim goggles review

Brilliant quality and fast-reacting lenses mean these should be the only goggles you need

Our rating


Published: May 29, 2015 at 8:53 am

Huub Aphotic swim goggles review

Aerious, Archimedes, Aegis… once again Huub had us reaching for the Greek dictionary with the release of their new Aphotic goggles.

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Meaning ‘without light’, all becomes clear when you realise these goggles feature photocromatic lenses that respond to changes in daylight.

During testing, we found they performed brilliantly. In murky waters visibility was excellent, yet when the sun broke through they reacted quickly enough to mean we weren’t squinting.

Quality was brilliant too with a deep lens, comfy gaskets and prominent adjuster buttons meaning they should be the only pair you need.

The fit is similar to the Maru goggles on p147 yet those lenses make them worth the extra spend – especially if you’re training and racing in varied conditions.

Huub also throw in a stylish clamshell case and there’s a choice of red or pink, in case you’re the kind of person who worries about matching their accessories to their wetsuit...

Verdict: Superior eye-protectors that perform well in pool to lake, 90%

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