Go Bar review

Our rating


Published: May 22, 2009 at 4:00 pm

Built on sound science, the Go Bar is ideal for carb-loading energy during training on cooler days and for straight after training. It’s made using mainly natural ingredients, including grape juice, cherries, rice, soya crisp, organic dates, oats and pineapple. No hydrogenates, added sugar, flavours, preservative or colours are added, and the fruit-loaded recipe provides the equivalent of two portions of fruit from the ‘five-a-day’ target.

The texture is like a crispy rice snack, which makes it feel like real food – or at least close to it. The bars are low fat, high carb, easy to open and perfect as a pre-session healthy energy boost. The flavours offer a good variety, and because they use natural ingredients they actually taste like the name suggests. Available in apple and blackcurrant, chocolate and orange, banana, cherry and vanilla, and tropical fruits.

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